Tuesday, October 9, 2007

yummy, Yummy, YUMMY Brownies!

I've got to confess. I love brownies, but I really don't like homemade brownies. They always end up tasting too flour-y. I like to stick with Betty Crocker. When Cali posted her favorite brownie recipe, I believed that they would be good, but I wasn't expecting too much, since they're homemade. Oh my goodness. These brownies are delicious! I know we're not supposed to taste the batter (especially when pregnant) because of the raw eggs, but I did...and I didn't let Ethan help me scrape the bowl. So here's the recipe. Try them out; it'll make you happy.

1 comment:

Kimberly Nicole said...

I just made these brownies for my visiting teaching, and they are amazing! very good! the batter is really good, i was so tempted to eat it all, but i had to make the brownies for the girls.